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Here are some pictures from the Supporter Group's plant cultivation at Östertälje DV. We cooperate with Stallet on DV who contributed with straw and fertilizer and with the Food and baking group for the group can prepare our harvests this summer.

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The blue stands for the earth and the heart of us all

When occupational therapist Liselotte Almén Malmqvist started the foundations of her health and social care company in Södertälje in the 1990s, she realized early on that she wanted to take a holistic approach to occupational therapy. JATC Community Health Care has therefore always worked in an innovative and new way, with an open mind for...

We at östertälje dagligverksamhet wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We were visited by Santa Claus for two days in a row. Super fun!


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